international texts

About the "Prespes Agreement" Tsipras-Zaef

The infiltration of the Greek capital and its definitive role in the area is undisputed. The signing of the Agreement and Macedonia’s road to accession to the EU will amplify this role. There attempts to emerge a view that shows its clear opposition to the agreement not only because the latter is a link in the euro-NATO integration of Balkans but because it serves the interests of the Greek oligarchy Read more about About the "Prespes Agreement" Tsipras-Zaef


Иако Договорот од Преспа постојано е тема на дискусија, јавната дебата се фокусира само на половина содржина од истиот. Додека владата, десницата и екстремната десница го потенцираат единствено прашањето за "името", цел сегмент од договорот кој ги дефинира финансиските, политичките и воените односи помеѓу двете земји, останува игнориран и непознат за јавноста. Зошто? Read more about ШТО ВКЛУЧУВА ПРЕСПАНСКИОТ ДОГОВОР?

Common Announcement of organizations EMEP-Levica-NAR

Common Announcement of organizations EMEP-Levica-NAR: The peoples of the region and the youth are able, with a struggle for peace, the cooperation between peoples, the liberation from the shackles of capitalism and imperialism, to silence their machine-guns, to make their voice, a shout of liberation!

Common statement of Left organizations and movements against war, imperialism and nationalism

We contribute to the development of the anti-war struggle of the workers’, popular and youth movement. We call to common action every force which has an anti-war, anti-imperialist direction. We seek the possibility of developing an international initiative by autumn Read more about Common statement of Left organizations and movements against war, imperialism and nationalism

Paix en Egée - Syrie, Guerre aux OTAN-UE-gouvernement!

Annonce de le Bureau du Comité Politique du NAR pour la Libération Communiste: Lutter contre l'intervention impérialiste de l'OTAN, tous les impérialistes de Syrie et les forces d'invasion sortis! Solidarité internationaliste avec le peuple de Syrie et ceux qui ont été persécutés. Pas d'autre embargo, fermeture des frontières et noyade en Méditerranée Read more about Paix en Egée - Syrie, Guerre aux OTAN-UE-gouvernement!

Peace in the Aegan-Syria, War to NATO-EU-Government

Announcement of the Bureau of the Political Committee of NAR for the Communist Liberation: The best answer to the slaughterers of NATO will be the massive workers’-popular, anti-war, anti-imperialist and anti-governmental struggle of the people of Greece to close the NATO bases of death, to exit NATO and EU Read more about Peace in the Aegan-Syria, War to NATO-EU-Government

NAR: Workers’-Popular struggle to prevent war

Announcement of the Bureau of the Political Committee of NAR for the Communist Liberation: War against the war of the capital, imperialism and its governments. For Peace among peoples, against the bloody interests of multinational and local enterprises. The antagonism between the ruling classes in Greece and Turkey has a class-exploitative basis and it is reactionary Read more about NAR: Workers’-Popular struggle to prevent war

Capitalism and nation-state, the threat of nationalism today

The relation between the national, the international and the classy issue, is always connected with the formation of the classy relations in capitalism and especially with the combined but also uneven growth of capitalism. Capitalism can only grow in every country, smaller or bigger (using the labor class), but always uneven Read more about Capitalism and nation-state, the threat of nationalism today


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